Title: Men as Allies in Preventing Violence: Principles and Practices for Promoting Accountability Author: White Ribbon Australia Date of Publication: March This report explores the implications of the increasing role of men in violence prevention work for the women’s services sector. There are many different ways for men to work with women in violence against women … Continue reading Men as Allies in Preventing Violence: Principles and Practices for Promoting Accountability
Category Archives: Men and Preventing Violence Against Women
Work with men to end violence against women: a critical stocktake
This journal article looks at previous efforts to involve men in preventing men’s violence against women.
The Preventing Violence Against Women Lancet Series
This series of papers covers a variety of key topics about preventing violence against women and girls including lessons from practice and working with men and boy to change social norms.
Bystander approaches: Responding to and preventing men’s sexual violence against women
This paper looks at Australian research, policy and programs that are increasingly focused on harnessing bystander action as part of a holistic plan to address and prevent violence against women.
Genders at Work: Exploring the role of workplace equality in preventing men’s violence against women
This report looks at the role of workplaces in preventing men’s violence against women.