This paper explores the relationship between gender inequality and gendered violence. It also looks at a model of prevention that operates at multiple levels including society, community and the individual level.
All posts by Comms GNW
Violence against women: fast facts
This resource provides some key statistics about violence against women. The data is presented in a visual, infographic format.
Bystander approaches: Responding to and preventing men’s sexual violence against women
This paper looks at Australian research, policy and programs that are increasingly focused on harnessing bystander action as part of a holistic plan to address and prevent violence against women.
Ending workplace sexual harassment: a resource for small, medium and large employers
Title: Ending workplace sexual harassment: A resource for small, medium and large employers Author: Australian Human Rights Commission Date of Publication: 2014 The ability to work in a safe environment, free from sexual harassment, is a basic human right. While we have the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 , sexual harassment in the workplace continues to … Continue reading Ending workplace sexual harassment: a resource for small, medium and large employers
It starts with us: The Leadership Shadow
Title: It starts with us: The Leadership Shadow Author: Chief Executive Women & Male Champions for Change Year of Publication: 2014 The Leadership Shadow model is designed to help leaders consider whether the imprint of your words and actions is as clear and powerful as you would like it to be. It suggests actions and behaviours … Continue reading It starts with us: The Leadership Shadow
Genders at Work: Exploring the role of workplace equality in preventing men’s violence against women
This report looks at the role of workplaces in preventing men’s violence against women.
Evaluation capacity building in the Respect, Responsibility and Equality program
These practice papers explores how to build capacity for evaluation, learning and improvement in the field of primary prevention. It also provides a five step guide.
Women in Melbourne’s West: Sex disaggregated data and gender analysis for service and program planning
Title: Women in Melbourne’s west: Sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis for service and program planning Author: Women’s Health West Date of Publication: 2013 This report provides a regional social profile of the health and wellbeing issues for women in the western region. It includes sex-disaggregated data from a variety of sources (including the recent 2011 ABS … Continue reading Women in Melbourne’s West: Sex disaggregated data and gender analysis for service and program planning
Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence
Title: Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence Author: World Health Organisation Date: 2013 This World Health Organisation report highlights violence against women as a ‘global health problem of epidemic proportions’. Physical or sexual violence is a public health problem that affects more than … Continue reading Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence
Involving men in ending violence against women
Dr Michael Flood’s key note address, Involving men in ending violence against women: Gender inequality is the problem, and gender equality is the solution focusses on three key points: Men’s violence against women is fundamentally linked to gender inequalities Men’s involvements in violence prevention are shaped by these same gender inequalities Gender inequality is the … Continue reading Involving men in ending violence against women